Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014!

Here are some lovely photos from the Davis Family Christmas Party and the white stuff that keeps falling from the sky. My cousin Jethro took some of these but I'm not sure which ones.. we were both taking photos of the same stuff so I'm not entirely sure whose photos are whose. So #PhotoCredToJethro. ;) 

Happy Hazel

Potato Peelin'

Watching potatoes being peeled is evidently fascinating..

And here entombed the potatoes sleep. 

Fancy Fire

Bundle Up!


Cheese ball, courtesy of Aunt Lyd.

Sadie, Sadie, Pretty Lady

Christmas Cutie

Please take a moment to look at every face in this photo, each is interesting and priceless. :)

This is Jethro. He stole Harry Potter's shirt/entire wardrobe...
Harry Potter
via Google Images

Jayne with a Y.

Christmas Tree!

Books of Mormon... Book of Mormons... #BestTwoYears

The Reason for the Season

Cute Cousins on the Computer

The best little hugger I know!

Okay, now we have a section of photos that is only Issac and some of Mandy's head. They're both cute so enjoy!

Wook at dat face!

And now some of that white stuff I promised you!

Happy Holidays!
